Our fund of funds program

We partner with exceptional VC managers, offering top-notch access to the European tech opportunity.

Our entrepreneurial DNA as startup operators, paired with our ongoing investment activity and related relationships in the European VC ecosystem, give us a differential edge to access and assess fund investment opportunities.

Partnering with top VC managers

We aim to provide a differentiated value proposition to the GPs we partner with. We aspire to become one of those investors that we would like to have as our own LPs.

The peer LP

We are VC investors ourselves. We understand how VC works, the day-to-day complexities of running a fund, and its success factors. We speak the same language. It is even likely that we have co-invested together or have regular work interactions. We want to be an easy-going, yet professional, partner for the long term.

Adding value

We will certainly not be your largest LP out there, but we are market operators as you are, and that comes with benefits. From sharing relevant dealflow to helping assess opportunities in areas where we are experts or co-hosting an event at the next industry conference. We help you internationalize your investor base and put our resources and connections at your disposal in jurisdictions such as Spain that are commanding increasing interest.

Lack of conflict

Our fund of funds program is a standalone strategy, not just a feeder. We typically do not lead rounds internationally and are all about collaborating, so you can rest assured that we will be respectful and walk hand-in-hand with you.

Our deal for LPs

We strongly believe in, and are committed to, the opportunity in VC in Europe and offer our investors a solid alternative to gain access to it through some of the best VCs out there.

VC exposure via a fund of funds

A fund of funds offers greater diversification and lower risk than direct investments into startups and traditional VC funds, while maintaining significant potential to generate extraordinary returns. Returns in VC are concentrated in the so-called top-quartile managers, and gaining access to them and their funds is not within every investor’s reach.

Thanks to our position as industry insiders and operators, we know and work with many of the top VC funds operating in Europe. We leverage such relationships to gain access and put it at our investors’ disposal.

Our bet on Europe

Europe has a powerful and developing innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem and is increasingly closing the gap with the main global hubs. Moreover, valuations in Europe are still a fraction of those in the US and European VC has consistently proven its ability to generate excellent returns.

Our fund of funds program bets on such an opportunity, providing our LPs with access to it via predominantly established managers investing across European geographies, stages, and business segments.

Aligning our interest with yours

As it is a trademark in the value proposition to our LPs, we strive to align our interests with those of our investors, offering significantly above-market GP commitment and competitive fees.

Some of the managers we’re partnering with